Milwaukee Art Museum

Public protests have occurred in numerous cities which have tried to employ museums on this way. While most subside if a museum is profitable as happened in Bilbao others continue particularly if a museum struggles to attract visitors. The Taubman Museum of Art is an instance of a museum which price a lot (eventually $66 million) but attained little success and continues to have a low endowment for its dimension. Some museum activists additionally see this methodology of museum use as a deeply flawed mannequin for such establishments. Steven Conn one such museum proponent believes that “to ask museums to solve our political and economic problems is to set them up for inevitable failure and to set us up for inevitable disappointment.”


There are 100 and seven automobile museums within the United States based on the National Association of Automobile Museums. Automobile Museums are for automobile fans collectors enthusiasts and for households. “They communicate to the imagination” says Ken Gross a former museum director who now curates auto reveals on the fine arts museum. The Louvre in Paris was established in 1793 quickly after the French Revolution when the royal treasures were declared for the individuals. The Czartoryski Museum …

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